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Andrew Freeman

Software Developer

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Andrew’s Todo List


Todo List Web Application

Simple Todo List web application using PERN stack, with RESTful API, stateful local rendering and asynchronous CRUD via connection pooling.

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Photographic Mosaic Command Line Tool

This is a Python project created for my Winter 2021 Semester at the King’s University, my final project for CMPT450: Image Processing. It creates photomosaic images from all images in the “inputImages” folder, based on tiling the specified input on the command line, and saves everything to the outputImages folder. Next steps are to make it look fancier by adding more pretty command line stuff like help (error codes), proper argument parsing, etc.

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Multithreaded Rock - Paper - Scissors - Lizard - Spock - CPU vs. CPU Simulation

This is a command-line interface program that demonstrates the simplicity and capability of multithreading/concurrency techniques in the Java language. It allows any computer to simulate and play the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock against itself.  

This program uses multiple threads and the principles of OOP to simulate “simultaneous play”, as would occur in a real-life game of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock.  

It features two separate simulated AI players (each running on a separate thread) which each decide on a random move to play, before counting down and throwing their move independently of each other.